Monday, January 9, 2012

Fans are the best !!!!! =)

(Sigh)  SO, today I found out a band called "Tickle Me Pink" is no longer making music as a band.  Ok, Now that really ruined my day because I LOVE that band.  They disbanded back in 2011 I think (i know i know i'm late!) and at that time I forgot all about them.  (Long story)

I remember when I found out about them on Youtube through Wind Up record's channel and one of their song really stuck out to me.  "Madeline"  that's a good song.  I remember when Myspace was the shit before Facebook or whatever you want to call it and I would post that video up on my status because I want my friends to know the band "Tickle Me Pink" exists!  That's how much I wanted to show people this GREAT band!  And their music!  I even planned on to buy their cd at that time but for some reason I never did.  (GUILTTYYY!!!)  And I feel kinda bad because I feel as though they weren't getting nowhere as a band and they weren't as out in the open as other bands are.  I didn't hear their music on the radio ever and there's not a lot of interviews from that band.  (sigh)  But THERE ARE other reasons why, you know, an artist would quit what they're doing probably because of personal reasons and blah blah blah.  

Ok, let me set this straight, If YOU have a favorite underrated band or artists, you're gonna have to get their stuff out there and help support them and give them the attention that they need.  If you don't, they would go nowhere and to them it'll be like "What's the point on continuing on when there's nothing there left to prove when we're in the same spot all the time?" It's almost as if you're giving them a reason to continue on. 

I believe fans are the reasons why celebrities or artists are surrounded by paparazzis all the time and are doing interviews from left to right.  If no one cared, they wouldn't be as famous as they are now.  Idk what do you think?  I'm just saying. 

Check out their wonderful music video!!!!

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