Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Impossible: Movie Review 2013 (spoiler alert)

The Impossible 2013
Directed by Juan Antonio Bayona

The Impossible is a disaster movie based on a true story about a family who survived the horrendous tsunami that took place in Southeast Asia back in 2004.  It was directed by Spanish film director, Juan Antonio Bayona, who also directed "The Orphanage" (2007).  Much of the same crew from that movie had come together again to make this film possible. The cast stars Naomi Watts as Maria and Ewan Mcgregor as Henry with Tom Holland, who played Lucas.

As the outsider looking in, we don't know what really happened.  We will never know what it feels like to be there to witness the pain and loss. But Bayona was able to make more than just a family drama disaster film; he created this whole new perspective of this horrific time.We know the tsunami killed thousands of people and affected millions of people worldwide. Yet something so disastorous can bring a group of people or even a family closer together. I think Bayona was able to accomplished that as a film-maker, as he creates this emotionally devastating journey onto the screen for us to value what we have in our lives.

I saw the movie the week it came out and I'm very impressed on how Bayona was able to pull this off while being on a tight budget.  Instead of using CGI, Bayona used real water in which I thought was more effective and real than using computerized graphics. What also stood out to me was the cinematography. There was this scene at the end where Naomi's character, Maria,  was strapped in the airplace and while taking off, she's looking through the window and saw that the place they once vacationed in has been completely engulfed by the tsunami.  The place was unrecognizable and it is covered with nothing but debris that made it look like a land fill.  It was a horrific, overwhelming sight to see what the people had to go through and I'll leave you with this.  The movie is not about the drama, it's about the journey of love, hope, family and surviving the impossible.

                                           CHECK OUT THE TRAILER! BELOW! 

FYI: The soundtrack was incredibly moving!  Fernando is such an underrated music composer, and I hope that one day people will start to notice his brilliant work.  =)   CHECK OUT THE VIDEO!

Ratings: 5 Stars

If you had seen the movie, feel free to leave a comment down below and tell me what you think of it! =)

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