Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why not blog?.....when the world is going to end??

"A Trip to the Moon" 1902 By George Melies

Why not?  It is 2012.  Might as well start using this and TRY something new.  Right?  After all the world IS going to end!!! (Just Kidding) JKJKJKJKJKK! Don't be scare now.  (sigh) Usayd look what you've made me done!  What a great day to start the new year, eh?  BLoggin'
Honestly, I'm surprise I'm still alive!!!  I'm guessing the world will start to crumble LATER in the year.  Hopefully not around my birthday! =)  Well, lets say the world IS going to end with all Aliens flying down at us with their lasers or w/e they use as weapons to kill humankind and there's like GIANT ugly NASTY tornadoes everyhere across the Earth.  What are we going to do?  What would YOU do?  Prepare to fight? if you can.  Make a spaceship and fly off to the moon?  (dang I'm really bad at bloggin')  How about making a submarine and live underwater forever?  that's interesting. 

Well for me,  I know there's no way out.  Not that I'm aware of.  Suicide is not the answer.  Repeat.  Suicide is not the answer.  SO I would gather all my Evanescence cds and my valuable possessions in a Box and have it with me at all times and listen to music as much as I can because it means a lot to me and you never know in the next life, I might become someone who doesn't love music at all.  (sad) ugh. I know.  uhhhh..yeah Imma do that, that's all I could think of right now.  =)

What are your thoughts?  What would YOU do?

SOng of the day:  "Fixed at zero." I have this song STUCK in my Heeaaaddd!!!!..................

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